Phone 0858566051 To Order
We create our Signature Premium Centrepiece using a variety of premium blooms that have been selected in a seasonal and complimentary colour palette. Our vessel of choice is simple yet elegant, allowing for a natural, whimsical design style with lots of depth and dimension and where the beauty of each bloom is on full display.
Our Signature Premium Centrepiece is a beautiful gift to both give and receive and makes a gorgeous addition to any dining table, coffee table, mantle etc etc ..
Phone 0858566051 To Order
The Details
- In keeping with our eco friendly values, our arrangements are always foam free. This beautiful vessel and it’s inner mechanics can be re used time and again.
- The colour and variety of flowers varies depending on the season and availability of our growers.
- In some cases we may need to substitute the vessel paired with this product. In these instances, we will replace the vase shown with another that is both appropriately sized for this arrangement and of equal or greater value than the originall